Welcome to my Web Site.

I believe in rebirth. I guess that you must have some relationship with my life sometime back in real life hence you are taking interest to read my blog posts to change your life style.It is very much interersting to see my thoughts in posts. Shrinivas Gosavi.Pune,India shrinivasg@youtele.com


Imagination and real life

Real life is very complicated than imagination.unforseen circumstances and event ruin our dreams. Life is not easy. Prolonged illness,divorce, wrong attitude,ego,unethical relations , illegal ways to earn money and bad habits are the main causes.
We have to control our mind to check these factors. We have to make up our mind to come out of the situation by best possible ways by taking due consultation of experts and well wishers.To scold ourselves or others is not useful.
Enjoy life as it is.

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